Our History

     Covenant Lodge No. 59, has the unique distinction of being the Mother Lodge to three other District Lodges. King Solomon No. 87, Prince Hall Free & Accepted Masons of Warren, Ohio was chartered on August 16, 1922. Rising Sun Lodge No. 90, was founded in 1924, and the St. Paul Lodge No. 100, it being founded in 1928, (St. Paul Lodge operated under its own charter until it merged with Rising Sun Lodge No. 90).

     In our attempt to write a History of Covenant Lodge, one must bear in mind that in editing history many things may be left unsaid. It is our best attempt to enlighten you with as much as our records, space and time permits.

     As our Grand Organizer and founding Father PRINCE HALL, set out to write history by petitioning for a charter from the Mother Grand Lodge, It was the selfsame thoughts and ideals that prompted Brothers A.V. PAGE, CHARLES S. SMITH, JAMOUS AMOUS, HANSON CLARK, WILLIAM BURCK AND OTHERS, To petition the MOST WORSHIPFUL GRAND MASTER OF OHIO To create COVENANT LODGE No. 59., in 1895.

     HISTORY was made by the Proclamation of the Most Worshipful Grand Master, S. W. CLARK, when the petition was granted, in 1896.

     Since that glorious day, many brothers of Covenant Lodge have served in various capacities in the Grand Lodge of Ohio.

     Brothers like Haze B. Skaton, who was selected to the post of Grand Junior Warden, and Served during 1921 & 1922, he also served as Grand Lecturer in 1924. He delivered the oration at the dedication of The Masonic Home, in Urbana, Ohio September 3, 1924.

     Brother Cleve Williams served as Grand Junior Deacon in 1929.

     Brother H. G. Emerson was elected Gran Junior and Senior Warden in 1944 and 1945 respectively. He was appointed Deputy Grand Lecturer in 1946.

     Brother E. K. Barnes served as Grand Junior Deacon during 1956 and 1961.

     Brother John S. Shipp served as Deputy Grand Lecturer for the Sixth Masonic District from 1966 through 1969. In 1969 Brother Shipp was appointed Grand Lecturer of the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Ohio.

     Not only did Covenant Lodge make contributions to the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of the State of Ohio, it also provided leadership to its appendant body. Brother Albert A. Robinson was elected to serve as Grand Worthy Patron of the Amaranth Grand Chapter, Order of Eastern Star, for the State of Ohio. He served in that capacity in 1974 and 1975.

     Brother Karl H. Mauzy continued the Covenant Lodge lineage of service to the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge. He served as Grand Senior Steward in 1979 and 1980, as Grand Junior Deacon in 1981 and 1982 and as Deputy Grand Lecturer in 1983 and 1984. Brother Mauzy also served as Administrative Officer for the Sixth Masonic District.

     True to our heart of service, Covenant brothers would end the millennia, and usher in a new in service to the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Ohio.

     Past Master John Clark served our historic Grand Lodge in the capacity of Grand Senior Deacon in 1997 and 1998. He would usher in the new millennia as the Right Worshipful Deputy Grand Lecturer for our 6th Masonic District in 2000 and 2001. Brother Clark would fulfill his office as Deputy Grand Lecturer with the assistance of Past Master Ben Frazier, 6th Masonic Districts Administrative Assistant in 2000 and 2001.

     Past Master Marshall B. Coney Jr. extended Covenants legacy of service by following in the footsteps of the brothers before him, as he continued to set the example for future brothers of Covenant Lodge. He served as Right Worshipful Deputy Grand Lecturer for the 6th Masonic District 2005 through 2007.

     Brother David Davis was appointed Associate Grand Photographer of the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge for the Sixth Masonic District.

     Presently Covenant Lodge is represented by Past Master Ronald Armour, who is currently serving in the capacity of Assistant Education Director for the 6th Masonic District of the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Ohio.

     After being instituted a lodge in 1896, it is not clear as to where the first lodge meetings were held. Although it is known that the old Conners Building, located on the corner of Oak hill and Mahoning Ave was utilized for meeting by the craft, again the dates are unknown.

     When the new Spring Common Bridge was erected, sometime in the 1940’s, the craft briefly met at its present site, 336 W. Wood Street, Youngstown, Ohio. From there they moved to 214 W. Wood St, for a short time, before moving back to 336 W. Wood St.

     It was at this location that Brothers H. K. Emerson, Roy Thomas, Charles Lottier, Simon Sibley, David Flemming, Aubrey Dennis, George Mims, Rev. S.S. Book, Attorney Howard and many others became extremely proficient in the craft’s ritualistic work, and provided a springboard for its members to become actively involved in civic, church and other community activities.

     Following World War II, the members of the craft became a Beacon Light to the men in the community and to the young men returning from the battle fields. Among them were, Brothers: Albert Major, Samuel Bogan, Theodore Wallace, Z.C. Mack, Charles Saunders, E. K. Barnes, Julius Walters, Clarence Cummings, James Lottier, Willie F. Sibley and undoubtedly other not mentioned. These men were beacons of character for the membership.

     It was a time when the infamous Wednesday night educational classes, which were seemingly mandatory, became the garden for our future leaders.

     During these training sessions the seeds of improvement and growth were cultivated. The sharing of thoughts and Ideas activated community involvement for the craft.

     The spawning of our youth group, the “Pathagorans” received its birth at those sessions. It was then nurtured under the leadership of Brother Julius Walters and remains a source pride for the craft today.

     It was at one of those sessions that Brother Spurgeon Thornton, issued a challenge (by way of giving the first One Hundred dollars as seed money), to reconstruct Covenant Lodge. The Trustees: John ship, Milton Anderson, and Donald Carpenter; along with the craft responded to build our present Masonic Home.

     The preliminary plans were drawn by Architectural firm of, Brother Nelson Harris and there was no turning back. The old structure was demolished and construction began.

     During construction the craft held their meetings at the Rising Sun Lodge #90 on Himrod Ave. The craft remained active in community and Masonic affairs during construction, as well as, after the completion of the hall.

     They purchased a life membership to the N.A.A.C.P., many members were, and are, deacons and trustees of local churches, the craft make contributions to worthy causes, they continuously supported other lodges and the Grand Lodge Scholarship Fund. They have assisted in as laying cornerstones for third Baptist Church, Price Memorial AME Zion, the first Baptist Church, and the Oak Street Baptist Church.

     In 1970, Covenant Lodge No. 59, and their appendant body Covenant Chapter No. 48, Order of Eastern Star, had the HONOR of hosting the Joint Annual Communication of the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge, The Amaranth Grand Chapter Order of Eastern Star of the State of Ohio. A first for the City.

     The Grand Lodge Convened in the Mural Room of the Old Pick Ohio Hotel. The Eastern Star Amaranth Grand Chapter met in the Voyager Inn Motel, on Market Street.

     One of the most memorable events of the occasion was the election of Sister Ernestine Brogdon to the post of Grand Worthy. She being the wife of the Most Worshipful Gran Master Samuel Brogdon, made it the first time a husband and wife shared leadership roles in the Grand Lodge and its appendant body.

     These were exciting time for the lodge and its sisters, who looked forward to time when construction would begin on the new home of Covenant Lodge No. 59- AND BEGIN IT DID.

     Merrill Hawkins, a specialist in church building, agreed to assist by overseeing the construction with the craft doing much of the labor in order to reduce the cost.

     Although the utilization of the non-member skilled craftsmen was often necessary for the laying of foundation, the erection of walls, the installation of plumbing, and the electrical work, lodge members were there daily to do whatever was asked of them.

     The sisters of the Covenant Chapter busied themselves raising funds to completely furnish the kitchen and to provide the piano for the meeting hall.

     The brothers made personal contributions of carpeting, floor tile and lumber for special projects. But most of all, they gave their time, effort, and commitment.

     Their determination was rewarded on March 5, 1972 when Covenant Lodge No. 59, Prince Hall, Free & accepted Masons held open house for the public.

     Since that date, sixteen brothers have passed through chairs to become Worshipful Master of the Lodge.

     Undoubtedly there have been tenuous times, as well as, jubilant times associated the tenure of their office. As true masons, we choose only to reflect on the positive accomplishment on which to continue the unbreakable chain of Prince Hall Freemasonry.

     The modesty of our past masters and allotted space preclude us from chronicling each who held the chair. But our research leads us to recall the pleasant moments as they occurred for Past Master Edgar Giddens, who oversaw the completion of the structure, in 1971.

     Let us commemorate the significant Honor of Past Master David Tomlin, as he convened the first meeting in the new lodge, in 1972.

      The God given golden voice of Past Master James Mack, as he mesmerized craft and others with his ritualistic renditions, should be recalled.

     The efficiency of Past Master Robert McCoy who is still called upon to keep us on the square, must be told. In keeping with Covenant Lodge’s pedigree, Brother McCoy honored us with his service to the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Ohio, as the Right Worshipful Deputy Grand Lecturer for the 6th Masonic District in 1998 and 1999.

     Let us remember the vision of Past Master L.B. Smith, when he initiated the accelerated effort to pay off the mortgage, in 1986.

     Let us feel the sense of Pride for the accomplishment, Past Master Doyle Broomfield, must have felt when he hosted the mortgage burning ceremony, in 1991.

     Past Master Eddie Asberry Jr should be commended for his success in negotiating with the city and securing rent for the use of our parking lot while the new county Jail was being constructed. He also developed our present investment strategies.

     Let us know the stewardship, as known by Past Master David Davis, when he instituted the replacement of the facade at the front of the Hall, in 1994.

     Praise be to God in his infinite wisdom, to lead us to recall Past Master William H. Williams to the chair for his needed experience as we made the transition into the next One Hundred years. He was blessed to receive and accept the invitation to sit in open lodge with our Caucasian brothers of the Twenty-Fourth Masonic District of Ohio.

     We are alive and well, Covenant Lodge No. 59 Prince Hall Free & Accepted Masons continue to spread the Light of freemasonry in Youngstown and the greater Mahoning Valley.

      336 West Wood Street       Youngstown, Ohio 44502       covenantlodge@gmail.com         (330) 746-9271